Nini Frydkjær Brandt


Nini Frydkjær Brandt lives in the small village of Kangerlussuaq in Greenland. She has been the owner of the handcraft & art shop By Heart for the past 7 years, where she offers sustainable art crafted with Greenlandic materials and beautiful Musk Ox yarns. To honour the tradition, she only collects wool from dog sled hunting in the Greenlandic mountains. The wool is then worked by hand, sorted, cleaned, spun, dyed and knitted with care and love, in the respect of the Greenlandic nature and heritage.
When Nini is not working with wool, she is making jewelry from the boss and horns of the Musk Ox. By Heart

Lecture / fyrirlestur:

  • Musk Ox wool: from the Greenlandic mountains to the finished skein (English)

Class / námskeið:

  • Traditional hand warmers knitted in musk ox wool from Greeland (English / Dansk)

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Reykjavik Knitting