Tinna Þórudóttir Þorvaldar
Tinn is an Icelandic crochet artist an designer; she lived in Cuba from some years and you can see influence of both worlds in her work. She has been crocheting since she was a kid and has taught crochet classes now for the last 10 years. She’s the published author of 4 crochet books in Icelandic and for the last 2 years she has been publishing her patterns in English and online. You can check her work on Ravelry, Instagram, @tinnahekl, and over at her YouTube channel. tinnacrochet.com
Ég heiti Tinna Þórudóttir Þorvaldar og er kennarinn. Ég hef heklað og stundað hannyrðir síðan ég man eftir mér, gefið út 3 heklbækur, þær Þóru, Maríu og Havana, og ritstýrt þeirri fjórðu, Heklfélaginu. Ég er þaulreynd í heklkennslu og hef haldið heklnámskeið sl. 10 ár - ég hef kennt mörg hundruðum nemenda handtökin. tinnacrochet.com
Classes / Námskeið:
Mosaic crochet – the Havana Afghan (English)
Mósaík hekl – Havana teppið (Icelandic)